When this cub was found in the circus, he weighed 1/4 of his normal weight ...

Despite the fact that Aasha, a Bengal tiger cub, was 9 months old, she weighed only 13.5 kg, which is the norm for a 3-month-old tiger. The poor thing belonged to a wandering circus, where she was treated horribly. But, fortunately, in 2011, Vicky Kihee, the founder of the Texas Wildlife Rescue Center, took the animal under her care.

“The bald spots were almost all over Aasha’s body, her skin was dry, with cracks, dark spots and bleeding,” Kihi said. The tiger cub suffered from ringworm and open wounds. “Every day, twice a day, I gave Aasha medication and spent with her time". Vicki also had to arrange treatment baths for the tiger cub, which the cub didn’t really like. But the woman’s efforts paid off. After 8 weeks of treatment, Aasha’s skin began to heal and the tigress loved swimming. “After 8 months, she looked like a real tiger!” Kihi says proudly.

This 9-month-old tiger cub was so sick that it weighed about 13.5 kg!

When she was rescued from the circus, bald spots were almost all over her body, her skin was dry, with cracks, dark spots and bleeding.

"Every day, twice a day, I gave Aasha medicines and spent time with her."

Soon her condition improved.

"After 8 months, she looked like a real tiger!"

Aasha was introduced to an older tiger named Smuggler, who simply "went crazy over her."

Now they both live in the same enclosure.

Aasha loves swimming!

Watch the video: Sick Tiger Cub Weighting Only 14 Of Normal Weight, Makes Incredible Recovery (May 2024).

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