Elite kindergarten: how to bring up special children

This is not just kids for you. They have a special situation. The thing is that their parents are the real local elite. They literally rule the whole region. Many dream of cracking down on these kids, because it is to them that power will pass to them in a few years. How these children are brought up and protected, you will learn from this article ...

The Sand River Lion Pride is the largest and, accordingly, powerful in Masai Mara. Today it has about 60 adult individuals, including 4 “ruling" males. Surprisingly, only three of them are brothers, and the fourth entered into a kind of "brotherhood" several years ago. The brothers probably decided that they would not be disturbed by another strong male to keep control over such a huge number of females. Quarrels periodically arise between the males, however, in the end, someone yields to prevent bloodshed.

Given the size of the pride, we can assume that offspring often appear in it. I regularly met lionesses with kittens from this pride. As a rule, 2-3 lionesses and 3-5 lionesses. But some time ago we met three lionesses with an incredible number of kids - 10! All about the same age.

Pregnant lionesses always stick together. Together they give birth and together feed the offspring, being away from the main pride until the baby is strong. As a rule, it is about 6-9 months.

Lion cubs have several potential enemies: firstly, their fathers. Sometimes lions, through negligence, can cause fatal injuries to their children. Secondly, extraneous lions trying to take power into their paws. With fierce competition, lions necessarily kill the offspring of a competitor. Thirdly, birds of prey. Large birds can drag a kitten, and lions are born small, not more than 2 kg. And finally, other large predators, such as hyenas. The enmity between lions and hyenas is known, I think, to everyone.

In the first case, lionesses, as I said, protect their children from their fathers, simply by not allowing their contact. The second example is practically not threatening our kids. Too big a pride. Lionesses hide children from birds in the bushes, and during the transition from place to place they clearly control the air. No one is protected from hyenas, but in this case it is enough for the lioness to publish a powerful roar, as the whole pride will come to the rescue. Although the lionesses keep aloof, help is always somewhere nearby. Thus, this kindergarten of 10 wonderful kids is well protected and you can not worry about their future.

Children are brought up very strictly. For the slightest disobedience, any of the lionesses can punish any kitten. Mothers use all available means of influence: from the lion's roar to a paw or a tangible bite. So the children behave very well, as befits princes and princesses.

There were so many lions in this group that I couldn’t catch them all in one shot. Here is a shot from a video taken from a drone where you can see the entire company:

Well, here are some moments from the life of the lion's kindergarten:

Watch the video: Elite kindergarten as special children are brought up (September 2024).

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