Angora rabbits - the most furry rabbits in the world

Today there are many breeds of soft and fluffy rabbits that animal lovers keep at home. But there is the most incredible among them, which surpasses all its brethren in the degree of fluffiness: it is an Angora rabbit.

To be more precise, the Angora rabbit is not one breed, but a group of breeds united by common features. All of them have long and fluffy fur, and their appearance is more reminiscent of the heroes of cartoon series than real animals.

Despite the exotic look, Angora rabbits are a very ancient breed. And the first mention of them in European countries dates back to the 18th century. The homeland of these charming creatures is Turkey, as well as the Angora goats. Fluffy wool and common name are related to rabbits with goats: in honor of the capital of Turkey. Angora, or Angira - that was the name of the city of Ankara in antiquity.

Rabbit hair is not only a beauty and a valuable product, but also some difficulties associated with the content. This incredible wool structure requires careful care. Rabbits are kept in ideal conditions, they are regularly combed, at least two or three times a week. Otherwise, the wool will roll and lose its decorativeness and value. Wool is obtained during cutting, as well as by combing and plucking the animal. Despite significant difficulties in care, Angora rabbits are very popular all over the world. According to experts, about 50 million of these creatures live on the planet.

The weight of the pussies varies from 2 to 6 kilograms, depending on the breed, and animals live up to 5-7 years: pretty good by rabbit standards. In addition to white rabbits, lovers breed animals with ashen, almost black, red and even chocolate-colored wool. Along with the plain color, there are rabbits with spotty hair. In general, if you wish, you can choose any color and pattern for your future scarf or sweater.

Watch the video: Record Breaking Rabbits: Angora Bunnies Get Blow-Dried (May 2024).

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