The designer amazes the whole world, creating a secret studio under a busy bridge in Valencia

Designer Fernando Abellanas from Valencia has not only talent, but also original thinking and ingenuity. Recently, the Spaniard has arranged for himself a very unusual workshop, which definitely will not appeal to acrophobes. The fact is that Abellanas built his workplace directly under the bridge in Valencia, and it fits perfectly into the urban environment, remaining even invisible to some people.

In this design there is a chair, a desk and two shelves - all that is needed for work, as in a regular office. To climb into the micro-housing, the designer uses a special handle attached to the concrete wall of the bridge.

The exact location of his studio Abellanas keeps a secret.

Watch the video: A Secret Studio Build Beneath A Busy Bridge In Valencia by Designer. Muhammad Waqas (May 2024).

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