25 of the most magnificent cities in the world, which everyone should visit

The famous authoritative travel service TripAdvisor has presented a rating of 25 cities in the world, which everyone who is interested in traveling should definitely visit. This must visit list was compiled on the basis of reviews and votes of tourists who have reached the title of "professional" on the site.

San Francisco, USA

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Lisbon, Portugal

Sydney, Australia

Budapest, Hungary

Bangkok, Thailand

Cape Town, South Africa

Chicago, USA

Dubai, UAE

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Barcelona, ​​Spain

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Florence, Italy

New York, USA

Berlin, Germany

Shanghai China

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Hanoi, Vietnam

Paris, France

Marrakech, Morocco

Prague, Czech Republic

Beijing, China

London, Great Britain

Rome, Italy

Istanbul, Turkey

Watch the video: 25 Best Places to Visit in Europe - Travel Europe (September 2024).

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