5 mysterious inventions that science cannot explain

There are many mysterious things in history that are not understood by modern man. In search of a clue, the most incredible theories are put forward - from aliens, paranormal phenomena to time travel. What today seems nonsense and of archaeological interest played an important role in ancient society.

Deadly Greek Fire

The Byzantine Empire kept the secret of fire. In 2002, on National Geographic, the authors of the Legend Destroyers program speculated that the substance included light crude oil and pine resin. During the experiment, they burned the ship in a matter of minutes.

Damask Steel Recipe

Returning from the Crusades, the European knights spoke about the outlandish weapons that Muslims owned. They had wonderful swords that could cut a handkerchief in half, bent 90 degrees in different directions and remained without damage. The recipe for damask steel from which they were made has not yet been disclosed. Experts suggested that the blades were made of "crucible steel", that is, a material with different carbon contents, a mixture of iron and plant materials.

Antikythera mechanism

Scientists have a good idea of ​​what this mechanism means. An unusual artifact found on the seabed in 1901 was most likely created at the end of the second century BC. This object calculated and reflected the movement of celestial bodies, the arrangement of the phases of the moon and was like a certain astronomical calendar. But for us, it’s a big mystery who created it and used it.

Zhang Han's seismoscope

This seismoscope went down in history as the first device with which it was possible to fix and predict an earthquake. This beautifully decorated masterpiece with toads and dragons was created in 132 AD. He acted as follows: when an earthquake was approaching, one of the dragons, each of which was responsible for his own side of the world, threw a ball into the mouth of a toad, thereby showing where the cataclysm was coming from.

It was alleged that the mechanism "detected distant tremors four hundred miles away when nothing was yet foreshadowing the troubles." How this system functioned and what was inside remained a mystery. Perhaps the whole thing was in the pendulums.

Ulfbercht Swords

The mystery of making this weapon is shrouded in darkness. When archaeologists found the Viking swords, they were struck. The fact is that a method of manufacturing such a metal was discovered only after 800 years. The grave found in 2014 dates back to the 9th century. In it was a Viking with a sword, on which the Islamic inscription was clearly read: "In the name of Allah."

Researchers have suggested that there is some connection between Viking swords and Damascus weapons. But the rest is still a mystery. Their true origin is unknown.

Watch the video: 7 Mysteries Science Hasn't Solved (May 2024).

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