Minimalistic cityscapes of Indonesia from Roynaldi Saputra

Does it happen that you see a photograph and cannot understand where to look, what is it about, what is the main thing and what did the author want to say? Yes, in our oversaturated time, this happens all the time. People take pictures always and everywhere, and as a result, there are a lot of shots and in each shot there is a lot of everything, often completely superfluous.

But such annoying emotions you definitely will not cause the awesome work of Royaldi Saputra. A truly gifted photographer and retoucher from Indonesia specializes in minimalistic photography. We would say even very minimalistic. And at the same time he manages to make really magnificent city landscapes! Do you think that minimalism and the cities of Indonesia are incompatible? Look at these photos and change your mind.

Watch the video: Critique the Community Episode 35 - Minimalistic Photos (May 2024).

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