Arctic Cyaney - the largest jellyfish in the world

Not all jellyfish are sea creatures that fit in the palms of their hands. Among them there are animals reaching 50-70 centimeters in diameter, and there are real giants, next to whom even experienced divers feel at ease. A jellyfish called hairy cyanoea is a champion among representatives of its squad, and the size of its dome can reach 2 meters or even more.

You might think that this beauty is an inhabitant of warm tropical seas, where, thanks to comfortable conditions, she grows to such a huge size. But this jellyfish prefers coolness and is found in the Arctic latitudes of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, for which it received its second name - Arctic cyanide.

Jellyfish are one of the life stages of organisms from the class of scyphoid. They begin their unusual life path in the form of free-floating larvae formed by the mother plant. Then the larva attaches to the surface and leads a sedentary lifestyle, gradually increasing in size. After some time, it separates and gradually acquires the appearance of a familiar jellyfish that travels in the water column.

Arctic cyanidea is the largest jellyfish of all that lives in the waters of the oceans. The record instance of this species had a dome diameter of 2.3 meters. But the most impressive thing is that the length of her "tail" exceeded 36 meters! But scientists note that extremely rare specimens have a diameter of about 2 meters. The usual sizes of representatives of this species are about 60-70 centimeters.

The poison of Arctic cyanide is deadly for small fish, jellyfish and many other inhabitants of the sea. A person, when meeting with her, can get burns that provoke an allergy or skin irritation.

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